Highlights & Happenings 8.31.20

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As a division of SCHA, our mission is to serve members by providing solutions to “pain points,” those day-to-day operational problems and challenges that come with running a top-quality healthcare facility.  Our goal is to be the top-of-mind, first-call resource for healthcare leaders looking for ways to ease their pain.  For more information, visit Solvent Networks, follow us on Linked In or watch our video HERE!  Please also continue to monitor SCHA’s COVID-19 webpage for the latest updates.


SCHA Launches Speakers Bureau

Healthcare is changing at the speed of light. Keeping up with best practices and real-world problems and solutions is a constant challenge, especially at a time when participation in meetings or conferences isn’t possible. So we’re launching the SCHA Speakers Bureau to bring experts to you to discuss the biggest issues impacting healthcare in our state.

The SCHA Speakers Bureau is a member service offering educational and professional development programs, healthcare market insights and best practices in many critical hospital operations. All speakers are subject-matter experts and thought leaders, with resumes documenting years of front-line experience in the topics they present. In other words, they don’t just speak: They do.

Priority for requesting speakers will be given to South Carolina hospitals, health systems and SCHA professional membership groups, but we welcome requests from other organizations interested in a better state of health for South Carolina. Presentations can be delivered virtually, but you can also make reservations now for future in-person events. Solvent Networks will manage logistics.

Whether you’re looking for continuing education, staff seminar events amid the pandemic, or developing strategic plans for the post COVID-19 world, knowledge is crucial. We’re here to help.


 Group Order for PPE via PPE.Exchange

Recently Solvent Networks launched PPE.Exchange as a resource for member hospitals and other SC providers to source PPE and other supplies. Based on feedback and surveys of current critical need items, Solvent will be coordinating a group order for nitrile gloves of assorted sizes and isolation gowns. If your facility needs these items and you have not yet responded to interest surveys, there is still time to join the group order. Respond to Lara Hewitt at lhewitt@scha.org to provide your requested volume and sizes by 9:00am on Wednesday, September 2. There is no obligation to purchase until the group order is set up and you’re invited to participate in the group order. Payment will be collected at that time.

For those who were not able to participate in the webinar provided by PPE.Exchange, you can watch the recording HERE.


AIS Holds South Carolina Contract for Both Paper and Microfilm Conversion Services

Advanced Imaging Systems, information management company, has been contacted by a number of clients for help converting non-digitized files so that staff who are working remotely can access them.  Hospitals needing to provide access to documents for staff working off-site can contact AIS at 800.365.1038 or Richard Ouzts at richardo@aisimc.com.  Let AIS show you how to enable remote access to your paper and microfilm files during these ever-changing times.


Report about New Technology that Assists in Ventilator Weaning

Mechanical ventilation is often required in seriously ill COVID-19 patients. Weaning patients from the ventilator, however, can be a prolonged process complicated by disuse atrophy of the respiratory muscles.  Innovative technologies that reduce the weaning time by helping to recover respiratory muscle strength could improve COVID-19 patient acute outcomes, morbidity, mortality and quality of life (QOL). In addition, these techniques could incrementally help to increase the supply of available ventilators, free up intensive care unit (ICU) beds and reduce overall hospital resource utilization during the pandemic.

Vizient’s Technology Assessment Program has a new TechFlash report on how technology is assisting hospitals to successfully wean COVID-19 patients from ventilators.  Read the full report HERE.


Contact Solvent Networks to set up a meeting with any of our endorsed partners or SCHA corporate sponsors. We’re here for the health of your business.

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