Vizient Achieve Committed Program

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Vizient Achieve Committed Program

Expanding the range of committed offerings for Vizient members.

For more than 20 years, Vizient members have enjoyed significant value from sourcing programs that offer additional value to members in exchange for their spend commitment. To date, the Impact Standardization program has returned more than $1.8 billion to participants, and in 2017, the Vizient Pharmacy Program grew to $53 billion in spend – more than double that of our nearest competitor. Now, Vizient is adding a new program to its range of committed offerings – Achieve, a new, high-commitment program that offers best total acquisition cost, unmatched transparency and increased efficiency.

About Achieve

The Vizient Achieve Committed Program offers member participants exceptional value in select commodity and clinical preference categories in exchange for defined purchasing commitments.

How does Achieve work?

To access value through Achieve, members will pay a modest program fee and agree to:

  • Compliance at the individual contract level
  • Compliance at the segment level
    • 90% commitment in the commodity contract segment
    • 80% commitment in the clinical preference contract segment
  • Compliance at the program level
  • Submit data in an automated fashion on a monthly basis
  • Provide advanced notice for termination
  • Decline to locally negotiate contracts in any of the categories offered through Achieve
  • Pay increased fees for non-compliance

As a turnkey program, Achieve categories and awards have been pre-selected, resulting in speed to value for members with no delay from a lengthy contracting process.

How do members benefit from participating in Achieve?

Through Achieve, members can enjoy:

  • Best total acquisition cost – expected savings of 6-12% through pricing and rebates on an initial portfolio of approximately 60 sole-, dual-, or multi-source contracts that represent about 45% of medical/surgical commodities and clinical preference supplies that hospitals purchase.
  • Transparency – easy access to spend data through a proven analytics platform helps participating members track and adhere to the program’s compliance requirements, resulting in maximum savings.
  • Increased efficiency – by shifting costs and time-consuming local contracting to Achieve, member participants can:
    • Simplify their transactional processes and refocus their efforts on high-value activities such as clinical-supply integration and improved patient outcomes.
    • Enjoy benefits of contracts negotiated through a network without the complexities associated with creating and managing a separate network governance structure.
  • Sustained support – members will receive full onboarding and ongoing support from Vizient staff through the use of data and analytics tools to help ensure their sustained success

How does Achieve differ from other Vizient committed offerings such as contract tiers, programs or other aggregation groups?

Vizient is partnering with Captis, an established Vizient member-owned business venture, to design, build, and operate Achieve. We selected this approach based on the success and scalability of the group’s proven model. Together, the 75 members within this group have achieved an average of 14% savings on more than 280 contracts during the last nine years. The design of Achieve will offer participants the greatest speed to value with the lowest relative effort.

Additionally, Achieve offers the best total acquisition cost in select categories in exchange for high commitment at the contract, segment and program levels. By contrast:

  • Contract tiers, which are available for most of the Vizient competitively bid awards, offer pricing in exchange for purchasing commitments to a specific supplier.
  • Impact Standardization delivers market-leading value by balancing choice and commitment. Members can choose to participate in various program categories, some of which includes options from more than one supplier. Members also have the ability to opt out of one category in each of the
  • 10 traditional programs.
  • Aggregation awards differ based on each individual network’s contracting philosophy and practices. Additionally, network participants require ongoing member involvement to develop and manage the network governance structure.

Can members participate in Achieve in addition to other Vizient committed offerings such as aggregation groups or Impact Standardization?

Members may participate in more than one Vizient offering, however, there may be overlap of product categories between two offerings.

In the case of overlapping with Impact, compliance calculations for Impact will not include contracts where overlap exists to ensure value continues to flow through both programs. Participants will receive an “N/A” for these categories.

If there is overlap of product categories or portfolios between Achieve and a member’s aggregation group, the member must ensure that its organization’s participation in Achieve does not impede its ability to meet obligations to its existing aggregation group.

What type of member is ideally suited to participate in Achieve?

Achieve is ideally suited for members who are prepared to:

  • Commit their commodity and clinical preference spend to the program’s rigorous compliance requirements to achieve even greater savings;
  • Gain executive-level buy-in for participation in Achieve; and
  • Change their organization’s purchasing behaviors to simplify transactional work in order to refocus their efforts on high-value activities such as driving clinical supply integration.

If I’m interested, how can I learn more about Achieve?

To learn more about Achieve and whether it’s right for your organization, please contact your Client Executive or please reach out to Jeneen Ablan at Our teams will conduct a complimentary and comprehensive on-site analysis to determine Achieve’s viability for your organization based on contract match rate, projected savings and required amount of conversion.

Our partners have demonstrated that they can deliver ready-to-deploy products or services that meet hospital needs and the highest standards of quality and customer service. They are chosen through a rigorous screening process that results in a mutually beneficial contractual relationship. Partners agree to offer their products to SCHA member hospitals at the best possible price through an agreed-upon contract. For more information, visit Solvent Networks, follow us on Linked In or watch HERE.

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