Physician Recruitment ROI: Making the Case for a Partnership

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Physician Recruitment ROI: Making the Case for a Partnership
There are costs involved with a physician recruitment partner, but the lost revenue created by a lengthy physician vacancy will cost your organization far more. Nothing demonstrates this better than the Physician Recruitment ROI Calculator.

“Recruitment assistance is too expensive.”
“We just don’t have funding for a physician recruitment firm.”
“Our organization can’t afford to hire an outside recruitment partner.” 

Jackson Physician Search’s business development team sometimes hears these kinds of responses when they first reach out to administrators, hiring managers, and recruiters within healthcare organizations. Whether they’ve had less-than-desirable outcomes with other firms in the past or have never worked with a physician recruitment partner, it’s not unusual to witness caution when deciding to take on the expense of a physician recruitment firm, especially when they are already facing a vacancy, possible locum costs, and of course, recruitment incentives. Even those willing to consider it often want to try on their own for a while before bringing on a partner – but at what cost? Every month that a position remains vacant results in hundreds of thousands in lost revenue. With so much at stake, how can you afford not to leverage every resource available? Read more here.

For further information, inquiries, or resources on physician recruitment and retention, please feel free to reach out to Liz Orjuela at

Our partners have demonstrated that they can deliver ready-to-deploy products or services that meet hospital needs and the highest standards of quality and customer service. They are chosen through a rigorous screening process that results in a mutually beneficial contractual relationship. Partners agree to offer their products to SCHA member hospitals at the best possible price through an agreed-upon contract. For more information, visit Solvent Networks, follow us on Linked In or watch HERE.

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