Collaboration as a Radical Approach to the Opioid Epidemic

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Hosted by Collective Medical and Solvent Networks, a division of SCHA.

In this webinar, Dr. Ben Zaniello will be breaking down an overview of the opioid crisis, PDMP integration, discussing how Collective is currently undertaking 5 prototype opioid reduction efforts, and some promising results on a statewide (and facility) level.

The 5 efforts are:
1. Narcan/ Naloxone Administration Tracking and Notification
2. Identification of Infants with NAS and Notification for Treating Physicians
3. Automated Letters to Prescribers When Patients Experience Overdose Events
4. Utilization of the Emergency Department as a Bridge to Rehabilitation
5. Consent to Share Under 42 CFR Part 2 for Suboxone as Medication-Assisted Treatment

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